Find below a set of slides that I used for my talk at the IMA in the Thematic Year on Mathematical Imaging. On them, there is a detailed construction of my generalized curvelets, some results by Donoho and Candès explaining their main properties, and a bunch of applications to Imaging. Click on the slide below to retrieve the pdf file with the presentation.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Poster: Curvelets vs. Wavelets (Mathematical Models of Natural Images)
Together with Professor Bradley J. Lucier, we presented a poster in the Workshop on Natural Images during the thematic year on Mathematical Imaging at the IMA. We experimented with wavelet and curvelet decompositions of 24 high quality photos from a CD that Kodak® distributed in the late 90s. All the experiment details and results can be read in the file Curvelets/talk.pdf.
The computations concerning curvelet coefficients were carried out in Matlab
, with the Curvelab 2.0.1
toolbox developed by Candès, Demanet, Donoho and Ying. The computations concerning wavelet coefficients were performed by Professor Lucier's own codes.
Wavelet Coefficients
To aid in my understanding of wavelets, during the first months I started studying this subject I wrote a couple of scripts to both compute wavelet coefficients of a given pgm
gray-scale image (the decoding script), and recover an approximation to the original image from a subset of those coefficients (the coding script). I used OCaml
, a multi-paradigm language: imperative, functional and object-oriented.
The decoding script uses the easiest wavelets possible: the Haar functions. As it was suggested in the article "Fast wavelet techniques for near-optimal image processing", by R. DeVore and B.J. Lucier, rather than computing the actual raw wavelet coefficients, one computes instead a related integer value (a code). The coding script interprets those integer values and modifies them appropriately to obtain the actual coefficients. The storage of the integers is performed using Huffman trees, but I used a very simple one, not designed for speed or optimization in any way.
Following a paper by A.Chambolle, R.DeVore, N.Y.Lee and B.Lucier, "Non-linear wavelet image processing: Variational problems, compression and noise removal through wavelet shrinkage", these scripts were used in two experiments later on: computation of the smoothness of an image, and removal of Gaussian white noise by the wavelet shrinkage method proposed by Donoho and Johnstone in the early 90's.
Progressive reconstruction of a grey-scale image of size 1024 x 1024 with the largest (in absolute value) 2n coefficients, n = 1,2,…,8
Notes on Approximation Theory
I created the following notes for my Advanced Topics Exam: They are mostly based on ideas from both Ronald DeVore's "Nonlinear Approximation", and DeVore & Popov's "Interpolation of Besov Spaces." These notes pretend to serve as a tool to understand the problems that Constructive Approximation solve, most of the background results in this Theory, and the intimate relationship with other branches of Mathematics (for example, showing how working within a purely "Approximation Theory" scope, one can find Interpolation Spaces between Besov Spaces [Interpolation of Operators]).
- HTML version: AT2/root.html
- PDF version: AT2/root.pdf
Modeling the Impact of Ebola and Bushmeat Hunting on Western Lowland
In May 2003, together with fellow Mathematician Stephanie Gruver, Statistician Young-Ju Kim, and Forestry Engineer Carol Rizkalla, we worked on this little project to apply ideas from Dynamical Systems to an epidemiology model of the Ebola hemorrhagic fever in the Republic of Congo. The manuscript ebola/root.pdf is a first draft, and contains most of the mathematics behind the study. Carol worked in a less-math-more-biology version: ebola/Ecohealth.pdf "Modeling the Impact of Ebola and Bushmeat Hunting on Western Lowland Gorillas," and presented it to EcoHealth, where it has been published (June 2007). She also prepared a poster for the Sigma-Xi competition: Click on the image below to retrieve a PowerPoint version of it.
Kinetics on Networks of Enzymatic Reactions
- All networks of chemical reactions in which the input enzyme is present.
- The corresponding (biochemically-correct) systems of algebraic-differential equations expressing the rate of change of the compounds with respect to time.
- Solution to those systems (after user inputs also a set of initial conditions for both the enzymes and substrates)
- Visualization of the process by means of network graphs, plots of amount of chemical compounds with respect to time, etc
Consider the dynamics of a biochemical network of enzymatic reactions: given, from a database, a set of chemical reactions involving related enzymes, each of these take certain amounts of one or several compounds (substrate), and after the reaction, output one or several reactants (notice that the reaction can proceed in either way, depending mainly on the concentration of substrate and reactant). Notice also that both input and output of those reactions might be used by different enzymes in another related reactions. In this way, if we could “freeze” the reactions at any given time, and measure the concentration of each component being used in this network, we would be able to answer questions of the kind: “Which component decays faster?”, “when will the reactions stop?” (provided the enzymes don’t “die”), “what are the initial concentrations that produce certain phenomena?”, etc. All these can be answered from a “Dynamical Systems” point of view. Each of the chemical reactions offer a special differential equation involving not only the concentration of the components, but also the concentration of the enzyme and a few more parameters. This differential equations are constrained by the fact that none of the concentrations (=variables) can drop below zero. These are just a small example of the so-called differential-algebraic systems of equations. Given a network of chemical reactions produced by enzymes, included initial concentrations of components and enzymes, model the dynamical behavior using a differential-algebraic system of equations. The outputs will be, for instance, graphs of the change in the concentration of substrate or reactant A with respect to time. Of great interest is also the procedure of finding the network itself. For instance, given a certain protein, find all known enzymatic reactions related to the manipulation of this protein. Arrange them in a network, and study its dynamical properties. The first part involves taking information from a database, and a second part involves manipulating that information to obtain the desired network. ENZYME is a repository of information relative to the nomenclature of enzymes. It is primarily based on the recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and it describes each type of characterized enzyme for which an EC (Enzyme Commission) number has been provided. It contains the following data:The main source for the data in the ENZYME database comes from recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the IUBMB.
- EC number
- Recommended name
- Alternative names (if any)
- Catalytic activity
- Cofactors (if any)
- Pointers to the SWISS-PROT entry that corresponds to the enzyme (if any)
- Pointers to diseases associated with a deficiency of the enzyme (if any)
As part of a project developed by Professor Bradley J. Lucier, to code a PDE solver written in Scheme, I worked in some algorithms to perform "good triangulations" of polygons with holes ("good triangulations" meaning here, those where all the triangles have their three angles as close to 60º as possible). I obtained the necessary theoretical background and coding strategies from the following references:
- Mark de Berg et al., "Computational Geometry by Example."
- Francis Chin and Cao An Wang, "Finding the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation and Constrained Voronoi Diagram of a simple Polygon in Linear Time."
- Joseph O'Rourke, "Computational Geometry in C."
- Jim Ruppert, "A Delaunay Refinement Algorithm for Quality 2-dimensional Mesh Generation."
Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving
In 1977, Professor Wen-Tsun Wu succeeded in developing a method of mechanical geometry theorem proving. This method has been applied to prove or even discover hundreds of non-trivial difficult theorems in elementary and differential geometries on a computer in an almost trivial manner. Usign Ritt's differential algebra, Wu established a method for solving algebraic and differential equations by transforming an equation system in the general form to equation systems in triangular form. This is the Ritt-Wu decomposition algorithm, that later on was shown to be equivalent to perform a series of operations on ideals, very easily carried out by means of Gröbner basis manipulation.
I wrote a script in MAPLE
to perform evaluations of the validity of some simple theorems in Euclidean Geometry, and wrote a small paper (in Spanish) on one of my findings, that was published in Bol. Asoc. Prof. Puig Adams, in October'99: "Sobre demostración automática de un problema geométrico".
The example I cover in that short article can be seen below. Given: Circles A, B that intersect each other in points C and D, and given points E, F in circle A, consider line a through E and C, and line b through F and D. The intersections of line a with circle B are C and G. The intersections of line b with circle B are D and H. Consider the segments c (connecting E with F) and d (connecting G with H). To prove: Segments c and d are parallel.